Our partner in
CEA CADARACHE, Bat 158, Saint Paul Lez Durance 13108 France

The team from CEA are a Joint Research unit based in the south of France, whose main strengths are the study of living responses to environmental constraints, the bio-conversion mechanisms of energy and the production of energy-rich molecules (bio-energy). CEA will lead the conception of a new combined approach for leaf chlorophyll composition bringing exceptional experience in phenotyping, genetic characterisation and biophysical analysis of photosynthesis in plants. Dr Xenie Johnson will lead the team, which includes Dr Jean Alric and Dr Bernard Genty developing instrument and protocol conception for total and relative chl a and b content, phenotyping, identification of MoVaPs and functional charcterisation, field trials of Chlorophyll traits and compilation of data to be shared with the consortium for multi-trait MoVaP creation and construction of the Road Map for the limits of genetic variation related to photosynthetic traits.