The Roadmapping process
Development of the Roadmap has taken place over several years. Originally planned as a deliverable from each photosynthesis project, a more collaborative and collaborative approach was decided upon to raise awareness of the benefits of improved photosynthesis to crops, the advances made and the barriers to translation.

- Literature reviews.
- Results from four H2020 photosynthesis projects: CAPITALISE, Gain4Crops, PhotoBoost and BestCrop.
- Stakeholder opinions from both online breeder and grower surveys and direct inputs (over 70 respondents).
- Two stakeholder workshops to identify: (1) The needs of Industry and, (2) The barriers to translating academic research to crop breeders. This engaged 20 representatives from breeders, growers, vertical farmers, academics/EPSO representatives, consumers, crop genetic engineers, horticulturists, trade organisations, Euroseeds and the Plants for the Future Technology Platform.
- A Translational Photosynthesis workshop, co-organised by CAPITALISE and the French Groupment de Recherche. This brought together 50+ academics and industry representatives.
- Social Sciences Stakeholder Engagement with consumers, farmers and breeders.
- A final workshop to present the Roadmap to the European Commission in Brussels: Improving Crop Yield and Resilience in a Changing Climate.

Research Road Mapping: Photosynthesis 2030
To support the CAPITALISE science programme a targeted stakeholder consultation and road mapping exercisehas been taking place. This has gathered a broad range of expert opinions, learning from other projects, industry experience, grower needs and international initiatives.
The consultation is aligned to our experimental science approach. The roadmap aims to identify and confirm promising routes forwards and propose approaches to close the remaining science and innovation gaps. The road map will provide a strategic research agenda to accelerate the translation of enhanced photosynthetic processes into crop breeding programmes. At the same time, we will shape the ideas to take account of societal attitudes towards plant biotechnology, and the evolving policy landscape. This roadmap and evidence base will support public and private sector decision makers at EU and national level to make investment and regulatory decisions. The SRA will describe research priorities to transform plant breeding using cutting-edge science to improve photosynthetic efficiency, and increase yields, via techniques including marker assisted breeding and genomic prediction, but also when appropriate, gene editing and bioengineering programmes
Find our more about our Roadmapping activities
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Food security 2050