On 4-7th June 2024 the CAPITALISE project and French Groupement de Recherche organised an in-person Translational Photosynthesis Roadmapping workshop at CEA Cadarache, France.
The aim of the event was to engage key people involved photosynthesis and crop improvement innovations to help develop a roadmap for exploiting photosynthesis for the EC. The output from this workshop will form the basis of a White paper aimed at Policy makers as ultimate goal of the exercise is to ensure interest and funding from the European Commission for future research and translational activities driven by photosynthesis research.
This event brought together researchers from: 4 key European photosynthesis projects- CAPITALISE, PhotoBoost, Gain4Crops, and BEST-CROP; the French Groupement de Recherche; as well as a selection of invited experts, that included crop breeders.
The first two days consisted of presentations and flash talks that explored how each presenters research areas can be exploited to improve crop resilience, sustainability and yield in the short, medium and the longer term. This was followed by two further days of developing plans for a Photosynthesis research roadmap to meet societal needs such as for crops with better yield, improved yield stability, resilience, sustainability and carbon sequestration.